To elect the Chairman of the Council and to receive the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office
To elect the Chairman of the Council and to receive the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office
- To elect the Vice Chairman of the Council and to receive the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office
1. Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests.
2. To consider dispensation applications.
Attachment | Size |
10.4.18_minutes.pdf | 397.01 KB |
13.3.18_minutes_draft.pdf | 394.83 KB |
a) To adopt updated standing orders
b) To review financial regulations.
c) Assets register - To review Parish Council’s assets register.
d) Complaints Procedure - To review the Council’s complaints procedure.
e) Freedom of Information Act 2000 – To review the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under these acts
Attachment | Size |
freedom_of_information_publication_scheme_2018.pdf | 388.3 KB |
complaints_2018.pdf | 380.07 KB |
standing_orders_2018.docx | 48.97 KB |
knockin_financial_regulations_2014.pdf | 287.21 KB |
assetreg.xls | 39.5 KB |
a) To consider report from Parish Clerk and recommendations contained within.
b) To adopt updated Data Retention Policy
c) To receive a report on the Parish Council’s data audit
d) To adopt privacy policies and forms associated with the GDPR.
ALC Local Area Committee, Neighbourhood Watch, Emergency planning officer, Parish Paths Partnership Officer, Local Joint Committee
a) Monthly Financial Statement – to approve
b) Income – to note income received
c) Outstanding Payments for Approval
Payee |
Amount |
Scottish Power |
25.20 |
ALC membership |
157.10 |
Internal Auditor B Townson |
Knockin Assembly Rooms |
£4000.00 |
d) To consider other invoices received after the agenda has been sent out.
e) 2017- 18 Accounts - To approve the following
1. To agree responses to the annual governance statement of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return
2. To consider part 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 year end accounts and budget report,
3. To consider internal auditors report
4. To declare that the Parish Council meets the requirements as laid out in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return to certify itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015
f) Parish Council Insurance – to review councils insurance levels and to consider quote received from Came and Company.
Attachment | Size |
annual_return_part2_final.pdf | 336.46 KB |
4th_quarter_budget_report.pdf | 173.27 KB |
bank_reconciliation_2017-18.docx | 13.41 KB |
a) Planning Items for Information –
17/05870/FUL Sunnybank, Knockin, Oswestry, , SY10 8HN
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and formation of rear vehicular access – awaiting decision.
18/01104/TCA PROPOSED TREE WORKS: To remove 5 no mature Lawson Cypress trees within Knockin Conservation Area, Old House, Knockin, SY10 8HJ – approved.
18/00209/COU Change of use of existing holiday barn to separate dwelling ,Holiday Barn Old Forge House Knockin SY10 8HJ awaiting decision.
18/01510/FUL Cafe And Premises, Shotatton, Ruyton Xi Towns,SY4 1JH Proposal: Erection of extension to existing cafe building with associated landscaping and parking area (re-submission) awaiting decision.
18/00468/FUL Address: Shepherds Lodge, Knockin Hall Farm, Knockin, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 8HQ, Proposal: Erection of a porch. granted
b) Planning matters for consideration
18/01655/REM Address: Proposed Residential Development Land West Of Homestead, Kinnerley Road, Knockin, Shropshire
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) pursuant to 15/03929/OUT for the erection of three detached dwellings with detached garages
c) To consider any planning application received after the publishing of the agenda.
d) Local Plan Review Timetable – to note
a) Governance review- for update
b) Defibrillator/Case – for update.
c) Future of Village Post Office – for discussion.
d) Police and Crime Commissioner Annual Survey – for consideration
a) Rights of Way – for update
b) Road Safety Concerns – to consider any new road safety concerns including letter concerning Shottaton Crossroads
c) Environmental Maintenance Grant consultation – for consideration
SALC / NALC updates
Corbet News
Star Community Chest Information
Shropshire Council Rural Youth Activity Fund
a) To note date and time of meetings for 2018-19
Attachment | Size |
meeting_dates_2018-19.docx | 12.24 KB |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 19:30:00 Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend any meetings of the Parish Council or its Committees, although there are occasions when meetings must go into private session when dealing with matters of a confidential nature.
Speaking at a Meeting - You do not have the right to speak at a meeting unless invited to do so by the Council. If you wish to speak then you must contact the Clerk beforehand or make yourself known to the Clerk at the start of the meeting.
© 2016 Knockin Parish Council
Website by The Web Orchard, Parish Council Websites.