1. Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests.
2. To consider dispensation applications.
1. Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests.
2. To consider dispensation applications.
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agenda_item_4_draft_minutes_13.7.21.pdf | 170.6 KB |
a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public to speak on any items on the agenda (this may be extended at the discretion of the chairman)
a) Police, Shropshire Council, Other reports from councillors and Clerk attending meetings or training courses on the council’s behalf
b) Clerks Progress report – for consideration
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agenda_item_5b_progress_report.pdf | 108.11 KB |
a ) Planning Items for Information – none received at time of publishing agenda.
b) Planning matters for discussion -
21/04136/TCA Address: Knockin Hall , The Avenue, Knockin, SY10 8HQ
Proposal: To fell 36no trees (to include larch, red oak, sycamore) from a wooded area within the garden for the purpose of thinning out the trees to remove weak and damaged trees, to allow the remaining trees to grow and develop and to provide space for new trees as part of successional planting and remove 1no Fir tree which is very close to the neighbouring property within Knockin Conservation Area.
21/03772/FUL Address: Agricultural Buildings At, Knockin Heath Business Park, Knockin Heath, Shropshire. Proposal: Erection of 1No agricultural shed for storing grain following demolition of current agricultural sheds and cattle pen.
c) To consider applications received after the agenda has been sent out –
a) Income – to note income received
b) Outstanding Payments for Approval
Payee |
Amount |
Morelock Signs (paid prior to meeting) |
478.80 |
Clerks Salary 1.7.21-30.9.21 |
170.80 |
c) To consider other invoices received after the agenda has been sent out
d) Bank account – to approve new signatories for the account
e) Budget report – for consideration
f) Annual Governance and Accountability return 2020-21 – to note that the period for the exercise of electors rights had been completed and advertised in line with the regulations.
a) Co-option – to consider any applications for Co-option onto the Parish Council
b) Clerks Computer – to consider upgrading to office 365
c) Neighbourhood Fund – to discuss play equipment suggestions received for the Amenity Area
d) Village Walls – to consider response received from The Bradford Estate
e) Community Governance Review – to consider whether Knockin Parish Council wishes to submit an expression of interest to Shropshire Council to undertake a boundary review.
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agenda_item_8e_briefing_note_-_boundary_reviews.pdf | 149.73 KB |
a) Rights of Way -To receive an update on the Parish Paths Partnership project.
b) Pedestrian Refuge - for update
a) Safer West Mercia Plan
b) Alc updates
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Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend any meetings of the Parish Council or its Committees, although there are occasions when meetings must go into private session when dealing with matters of a confidential nature.
Speaking at a Meeting - You do not have the right to speak at a meeting unless invited to do so by the Council. If you wish to speak then you must contact the Clerk beforehand or make yourself known to the Clerk at the start of the meeting.
© 2016 Knockin Parish Council
Website by The Web Orchard, Parish Council Websites.